janejosiane wrote in scifipair20in20 Mar 28, 2011 20:55
user: janejosiane, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, round 18, entries: round 18, pairing: willow/oz
eiremauve wrote in scifipair20in20 Feb 23, 2011 15:47
pairing: buffy/angel, user: eiremauve, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, entries: round 17, round 17
punk4life1315 wrote in scifipair20in20 Feb 18, 2011 17:16
pairing: willow/tara, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, entries: round 17, round 17, user: punk4life1315
delta_mai wrote in scifipair20in20 Jan 25, 2011 02:45
fandom: firefly, fandom: angel, entries: round # 16, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: dollhouse, round # 16, user: delta_mai
sexycazzy wrote in scifipair20in20 Jan 21, 2011 15:11
round 16, fandom: star trek reboot, pairing: rush/young, fandom: star trek enterprise, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: star trek voyager, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: stargate sg1, fandom: doctor who, fandom: stargate universe, entries: round 16, fandom: torchwood
janejosiane wrote in scifipair20in20 May 23, 2010 20:29
user: janejosiane, , fandom: buffy the vampire slayer
janejosiane wrote in scifipair20in20 Mar 09, 2010 21:45
round 6, user: janejosiane, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, entries: round 6, pairing: buffy/spike
kerryleanne wrote in scifipair20in20 Feb 17, 2010 23:14
user: kerryleanne, entries: round 2, round: 2, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, pairing: spike/buffy
janejosiane wrote in scifipair20in20 Feb 14, 2010 19:12
user: janejosiane, pairing: willow/tara, entries: round 5, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, round 5